Monday, April 9, 2007

Dandruff- Control and Manage with Home Remedies

Dandruff is usually seasonal. It is most severe during the winter and mildest during the summer. Dandruff scales usually occur as small, round, white-to-gray patches on top of the head. Scaling can occur anywhere on the scalp, in the hair, on the eyebrows, the beard and can spread to the neck and shoulders. Dandruff is often known as "dry scalp", but people with oily scalps tend to suffer the most. An oily scalp also supports the growth of P. ovale.

Dandruff can happen at any age but is most commonly found in people between the ages of 12 and 80.Dandruff is an itchy, annoying and persistent skin disorder of the scalp.

Causes of Dandruff:

• hormonal imbalance
• poor health
• excessive perspiration
• poor hygiene
• allergic hypersensitive
• lack of rest
• emotional stress
• excessive consumption of sugar, fat, starch
• improper nutrition
• heredity predisposition
• excessive use of hair sprays and gels.
• improper use of hair-coloring products or excessive use of electric hair curlers or curling irons.
• cold weather and dry indoor heating.
• tight fitting hats.
• infrequent shampooing of the hair or inadequate rinsing.
• stress, anxiety and tension.

Symptoms of Dandruff:

• Itchy scalp.
• White or gray flakes that are obvious on hair and clothing.

Homemade Remedies for Dandruff:

To clear up dandruff you need to counter the cause of the dandruff: your scalp's acidic pH level. You should restore your scalp's natural alkaline pH level.

1. Add six spoonfuls water, two spoonfuls pure vinegar and apply it on the scalp with cotton wool before going to bed. Tie a towel around your head to protect the pillow. Wash your hair next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Continue this once a week for at least three months.

2. Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with two spoonfuls of vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo after this.

3. Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds in yogurt overnight and apply the curd on your scalp for half an hour before washing in the morning.

4. Hair washed with fenugreek (methi) seed paste prevents dandruff, falling hair, baldness and dandruff keeping the hair long, healthy and black. Just soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water to soften the seeds and grind in the morning to make paste. Before hair wash, apply this paste on scalp and hair and leave it on for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo later.

5. Egg Pack for Dandruff: Beat two eggs and add two tablespoons of water to it. Wet the hair and apply the egg mixture over the hair. Now massage your scalp and let the mixture on for ten minutes to fifteen minutes. Then rinse the hair with lukewarm water. This will keep both dandruff and hair fall problem away from you.

6. Natural Anti-Dandruff Massage:
• Massage your scalp with warm coconut or castor oil twice a week.
• Massage with the tips of your fingers in a circular movement for at least half an hour.
• Leave it on overnight and shampoo the following morning.
• This prevents the hair from becoming dry and moreover prevents dandruff and falling hair by improving the circulation and strengthening the hair roots.

Anti-Dandruff Rosemary Preparation for dandruff:

Rosemary Leaves 1 handful
Water 1 litre
Vinegar 2 tsp
Boil the water and soak rosemary leaves in it. Let it stand for one night. Strain and add vinegar to it. After shampooing wash your hair with this preparation. It treats the hair very fast.

Since dandruff is a natural process, it can not be eliminated. It can only be managed and controlled.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Eye Care

Eyes are the most precious gift god has given to mankind. Among the five sensory organs, eyes are the most beautiful expressive organs we have that also have the capability of vision.

Eyes are the most delicate part of our body and to prevent eyes from damage its care is very necessary.

It is best to avoid poor light when reading or using computers or watching television for long hours. Very intense light or using very hot or very cold water on the face and head is also not healthy for the eyes. Applying few drops of almond, coconut or sesame oil around the eyes prevents dark circles.

Our eyes are continuously covered with a layer of thin fluid film and the film not only protects the eyes but also reduces the risk of eye infection. Whenever our eyelid blinks, our eyes are lubricated and if any foreign particle enters our eyes, the particle is cleared away by fluid film.

Whenever the tear glands produces insufficient amount of tear fluid, the fluid film may disturb and which may cause rupture of fluid film and consequently some dry spots may be created. These dry spots on cornea may irritation and diminished vision.

Symptoms of Dryness in Eyes:

• Increased eye irritation.
• Sensibility to light.
• Difficulty in vision, blurred vision.
• Vision worsens during the day.
• Burning or itching sensation in the eye.
• Sensation of foreign substance in the eye.
• Fatigue ness in the eye.
• Eye irritation during dust, smoke or wind.
• Some of the factors that may worsen the dry eyes include environment factors such as high altitude, dry climate, sunlight and dry wind.
• Some other conditions in which eye concentration is required and some other allergic conditions of eye can also worsen the dry eyes.
• LASIK, a refractive eye surgery may also cause decrease in tear fluid production.
• Some medicines may also increase the risk of causing dry eyes.
• Women, especially after menopause is at higher risk of dry eyes due changing in hormone.
• Some of the medical conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma can also acts as trigger for causing dry eyes.

Consult an Eye specialist for the treatment of dryness in eyes. Your doctor will recommend some of the eye tear fluid available in the market and as per advice of the doctor you should use the fluid. Your doctor will also treat you for conserving of your natural eye tear fluids.

Home Remedies For Eyecare:

• Put 3 drops of rose water in the eyes.
• Soak a cotton pad in rose water, milk or aloe vera juice and apply to closed eyes for 10-20 minutes while lying down comfortably.
• Place a slice of cucumber on each eye for some time.
• Rinse the eyes with water daily. Rest eyes if working for long periods.
• Mix some cardamom seeds with 1 tablespoon of honey. Eat daily.

Eye Care At Work:

Exercise to completely relax the eyes and the surrounding muscles:
. Close your eyes and think of something that is pleasant or soothing and at a distance (like the horizon over a stretch of green, a sail in the midst of huge water mass).
. Now gently open your eyes and look into the distance.
. Now shift your focus on an object that is at arm's length.
. Do this extremely relaxing exercise four to five times a day.
You will literally feel that fatigue oozing out of your eyes.

Give rest to your eyes in between work specially when working on computers as the rays emitting from computer screen is responsible for dryness in eyes.

Massage Your Eyes:

Try this combination of massage and acupressure to preserve the brilliance in eyes:

. To prevent fine lines around the eye area, trace circles with the middle finger around the eyes. Starting from the inner point of the eyebrows go under the eyes and end upwards at the outer point of the brows. Allow the touch to be gentle while following smooth, gliding action.

. Apply gentle pressure on five points. Along the eyebrow, starting at the inner corner trace the pressure to the centre of the brows and then the outer corner. The fourth point is located just beyond the outer corner of the eyes while the last point is below the eyes.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Simple Home Remedies For Face Lift Large Pores And Sunburn

Try these simple home remedies tips to uplift your face and treat large pores and sunburn.

Home Remedies for Face Lift

Combine a handful of strawberries, a handful of grapes, 1/2 pear, 1/2 apple and 1 oz. orange juice in a blender. Apply a thin layer of honey to face, and then apply fruit mixture to face. Leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Finish with a rinse of the vinegar pH balancer.

Anti aging Face Lift Mask

Take1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream, 1 medium banana- peeled. Mash together cream and banana. Stir in contents of 1 vitamin E capsule. Smooth onto face and neck.
Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes.
Wipe off with damp cloth. Your face will feel smooth and soft.

Home Remedies for Large Pores Treatment

Large pores are simply a genetic problem, but you can temporarily reduce large pores by clearing away dirt and debris. Large pores are often an indication of oily skin.

First Cleanse and then Exfoliate the skin:

Sugar Scurb: Take1 Tablespoon each of sugar, olive oil and honey.
Wet face; apply scrub by rubbing very gently in a circular motion. Remove with water with hands only.

Egg White Mask: Mix 2 egg whites with few drops of lemon juice add to it. Apply on face and leave on for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with hands.
As egg whites dry, they lighten the skin and pull dirt out of pores. Lemon is a natural fruit acid which also helps to exfoliate.

Try these also

1) Mix almond meal with enough water to make a paste. Apply to pores for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and then apply withch hazel or a solution of apple cider vinegar and water.
2) Mix table salt and buttermilk into a paste, apply on enlarged pores and massage well. Rinse with warm water.
3) Add lemon juice and a little milk to oatmeal. Apply the paste and remove after 20 minutes with water. Do not use if there are eruptions.

Home Remedies for Sunburn:

Sunburn is skin burned by exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet light.

1. Mix 2 teaspoon tomato juice and 4 tablespoon buttermilk and apply on the face. Leave for 1/2 hour, and wash off.
2. Mix olive oil with equal quantity of vinegar and apply an hour before your bath.
3. Make a paste of Barley, turmeric and yogurt in equal proportions. Apply it over the area of sunburns.
4. A thin paste of sandalwood applied to the sunburn area is beneficial.
5. Good old plain aloe vera will help the healing and have cooling sensation.

• Sunburn is better prevented than treated. Effective sunscreens are available in a wide variety of strengths. Most doctors recommend a sunscreen SPF level of 30 or greater.

• Try taking a cool shower or bath or placing wet, cold wash rags on the burn.