Saturday, January 27, 2007

Skin Treatment In Your Kitchen

Every woman is unique so her beauty needs. In today’s rush and run lifestyle and in polluted environment everyone is facing skin problems. Here are some simple remedies to improve skin texture and look beautiful.

Basically there are three types of skin textures: normal, oily and dry.

Normal Skin: This type of skin is neither too oily, nor too dry. It is not oversensitive to wind, harsh sunlight, or cold. It does not have open pores, lines or acne. It has a smooth texture. It poses little problems unless it has been neglected or abused.
Oily Skin: Generally people develop an oily skin in their teens. Overproduction of oil by the sebaceous glands leads to an oily skin. People who have an oily skin should avoid oily food, starches and sugar. They need a rigid skin care regime and should remove every trace of make-up every night before going to bed. While bathing, mild ex foliates should be used.
Dry Skin: Normally associated with aging, some people have a naturally dry skin. In this case too, the right nourishment can work wonders. Along with this you need to have a moisturizing routine.
Some people have combination skin dry skin in certain areas and an oily or normal skin in other areas. It has a smooth texture.
All the skin types need care.

Our grandmother and mother’s used home products from their kitchen to take care of their skin and look beautiful. Here are some tips about the products from your kitchen.

Cleansing of skin is most important. If this is not regularly done, then the pores get clogged leading to numerous skin problems. Here are some easy to make, and even easier to use, face cleansers suitable for different types of skin.

Milk is nature's most effective natural cleanser. Take half a cup of cold milk. Add half teaspoon of salt. Stir. Take balls of cotton, soak and then gently dab milk and salt lotion all over forehead, face, and neck. Leave it on for 2-3 minutes. Apply again. Now rub gently in circular motions and wash off. The salt in the milk gently ex foliates dead skin and the milk nourishes the skin. Your face instantly gets a fresh and glowing look. This is good for all types of skin.

Women with oily skin can use Chickpea powder and turmeric mixture to cleanse face. Turmeric is very good antiseptic. Take half cup chickpea powder. Add one teaspoon turmeric powder and half cup of milk. Stir well. Apply this paste all over the forehead, face and neck. Wait for two minutes and wash off. This is good for oily or mixed skin types. The chickpea powder absorbs the extra oil and the milk nourishes your skin, leaving it tingling fresh.

Women with dry skin try yogurt. Take half cup yogurt. Add to this half teaspoon honey. Stir well. Apply all over the forehead, face and neck. Rub it in gently. Leave on for 2-3 minutes. Wash off with cold water.Cucumber and curd also make very nourishing cleanser. Take one cucumber, grate it. Squeeze out the juice. Add to this 3-4 tablespoons of beaten curd. Stir well. Apply this paste all over the forehead, face and neck. Leave it on for 3-4 minutes. Wash face and neck with cold water. While cleaning and tightening the pores, it also lightens blemishes and freckles. It is very nourishing for the skin. You could use just grated cucumber as a face cleanser too.

Some more very useful skin care tips will be provided to you in the coming articles.


Skincare Specialist said...

Now that's a nice post and I do appreciate your ways of treatment. Even I believe that natural products are the best for skin care and that also stands true for dealing with many kinds of skin infections which are on a rise these days.

Unknown said...

the skin treatments you mentioned are great including the turmeric mixtures, my wife is taking Curcumin supplements as her skin treatment